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Message #33 of 39  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Mets and Braves
Date:  5/12/07, 8:56am
i find it funny how Mets have the better batting average ( i believe the best average in baseball) and the better team ERA (the best in the majors) than the braves and we still find them to be behind the braves in that division...i dont think it will be that way for long... I think that beside the Redsox and yankees, the Mets and the Braves are the best rivalry in baseball... Mets should be the better team of that rivalry right now

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Message #34 of 39  *NEW*
To:  reyes4mvp
Robert Jones  
Subject:  Re: Mets and Braves
Date:  5/12/07, 12:11pm
>i find it funny how Mets have the better batting average ( i
>believe the best average in baseball) and the better team ERA
>(the best in the majors) than the braves and we still find
>them to be behind the braves in that division...i dont think
>it will be that way for long... I think that beside the
>Redsox and yankees, the Mets and the Braves are the best
>rivalry in baseball... Mets should be the better team of that
>rivalry right now

I loved your post on the rivalry. As a fan of baseball I really do enjoy this rivalry. As a die hard Braves fan it is always a thrill when these two meet up.

I think the Mets have an incredible team this year in particular and I am a fan of each and every player on that side...Glavine, Reyes, Wright, Delgado etc. but I have to let that go when we face off....and I do disagree, respectfully, with your contigent for who the better of the two teams should be this year.

What befuddles mathematicians and is in part a part of the magic of baseball is that it is not all about the numbers....All too often, it is about the timeliness of the numbers and when those numbers occur that ultimately translate into wins and losses, runs scored vs runners left on base etc.

When two rivals meet it is fun to see which players can come though in the clutch and which ones collapse or crack under pressure.

A sweet and beloved thing this rivalry is.....and a toast from a fan in the opposite section....May the best team win...and I would like to nominate Chipper Jones for President, MVP etc.

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